L U S S A R I ´S P I N S C H E R



* A V A I L A B L E * R E S E R V A T I O N S *


* litters 2013:


Miniature Pinscher Lussari´s Xavier is available!

Dam: Theneican´s Xamanta at Kösslbachtal

Sire: Brando Master of Masterhof

Pretty little darkred boy is born 08.09.2013






* Miniature Pinscher " Lussari´s " SUPERMAN, called " Supi ",

is looking for a new family!

Supi is an adorable little man, very playful and much in need of love!

He's a bit shy, so you have to bring a little patience

for the first days. But if you have gained his trust,

Supi has much love to give!

He was born april 2012 and has a pretty dark red color:


> pedigree <
















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Gaby Loetsch-Pellegrini

Viale degli Olmi 9 33079 Sesto al Reghena Italy

phone: 0039 340 540 7342

e-mail: gabypellegrini@hotmail.com